Services and Resources
Lending Library The Society maintains a comprehensive library of published material on bonsai and related topics, through our partner Jo-Da Bonsai. The library is open one hour before meetings for your convenience. Continually updated with newly published books and periodicals, the library provides a valuable source of information to increase the knowledge and skill of both the novice and the expert alike.
Members receive a monthly newsletter via email. The newsletter provides information on upcoming events, bonsai tips and other Society business. A copy of the current newsletter may be found under the Newsletter menu.
Partner discounts
Some of our partners offer discounts on bonsai goods for fully paid up Society members.
Meetings and workshops are held at Urban Farmers, 218, 8th Avenue, Pomona AH.
Membership Dues As with all organizations, dues are necessary to partially defray expenses. You can join on-line or download and print the application form and bring to a monthly meeting. .Membership fees are paid annually and are payable over 3 months. Membership fees include membership to the South Africa Bonsai Association and the Bonsai Regional Association Tvl.
Membership Fees:
Junior Membership (> 18 years) R175.00 per annum
Student Membership R250.00 per annum
Single Membership (>65 years) R350.00 per annum
(<65 years) R250.00 per annum
Membership Dues As with all organizations, dues are necessary to partially defray expenses. You can join on-line or download and print the application form and bring to a monthly meeting. For Membership (click here) or on the menu above.
Click here for Membership form